

Circumbinary disk simulations

I simulate the gas disk of a binary star system to investigate temperature distributions and compare them to the specific physical system IRAS 16293-2422 A. I run a parallelized, static mesh refined simulation of the system using the magnetohydrodynamics code...

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Background event classification for Belle II

In this project I used neural networks to classify EvtGen simulated data into signal, \(B \to K^* \nu \bar{\nu} \), and background. The goal was to investigate the possibility of bypassing the expensive Geant4 detector simulation and following analysis. This...

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CP violation in charmless B meson decays at the LHCb

Following in the footsteps of the LHCb collaboration, I worked on a project to validate the discovered evidence for CP violation in charmless, B meson decays. I developed a data analysis framework using ROOT to analyse the experimental data obtained...

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